“Let not anger and hate master you. Speak harshly of no one.” [UB 1447:03]
Thought Adjuster: “Let us expand on the above quote, as it hit a nerve with you. Indeed, if you look at your emotions as potential masters, you gain a very enlightened perspective as to how to deal with them.
You frequently hear the expression “to be taken over”—by anger, for instance. Indeed, someone who is caught unaware by the tidal wave of such a powerful emotion becomes its first victim in the adverse ripple effect of such a destructive emotion. Hate and anger are always the culprits, even though their host frequently denies any responsibility for the havoc they cause on their path.
Yours is to be vigilant as to what you let in your being. Your moment-to-moment awareness is the sentinel that watches over your welfare and the welfare of your neighborhood. It is as simple as that. Yet, so many of these surprise attacks play out as your personal Pearl Harbor and cause you to lose precious hold on the ground of self-mastery you may already have gained.
Indeed, what comes out of your mouth and what you even go as far as acting out in your life’s scenario will either defile or upgrade you. The choice is always yours, no matter what the external circumstances may appear to be. You are in charge of your emotional strategies. You are the one deciding to which side you will defect: rampages of evil or rampages of Love.
Beware and be aware! Your awareness is the key player there. Grant access to the powerful emotions that are love- and forgiveness-driven and deny it totheir sorry nemesis of hate and resentment that inbreed more of their kind. Plant good seeds and pull out the suffocating weeds.”