The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk some more about Free Will. Could there be any Will without Freedom? Freedom of what? When you think about the times in your life when you had to take major decisions, you can identify various scenarios. What were such decisions based on? What motivated them?

“Motivation is what determines whether or not the decisions are taken freely—made on your own accord without any extraneous pressures. You will recognize which decisions were “dictated” to you by fear, bullying, intimidation, manipulation by other individuals, low self-esteem, addictions, etc… You also can recall the feelings of discomfort and dissatisfaction that such high pressure decisions generated in you. They were not in harmony with your “gut feelings”. They seemed to go against the grain of your highest good or the highest good of others.

“Let us look now at the other case scenario—the one when you took “heartfelt” decisions. These decisions were made in alignment with your inner passion—your true calling. This calling is much easier to follow as it has to do with your life purpose—with what you have been created to accomplish. Any decisions that bring you closer to such an alignment with your life purpose are propelling you forward as they are significant driving forces. They are not met with inner resistance and are truly based on your freedom of will—without any encroachment from other foreign detrimental influences. Such spontaneous free-will decisions generate a state of peace of mind and joy of heart.

“At their fruit you shall recognize them” definitely applies to the decision making process. Which decisions elevate your emotional state and which ones deplenish it? The Divine Will at the origin of All That Is was free flowing. It also was Love infused. LOVE is the Divine Vision that is subjacent to ALL Divine Acts. Each Divine Act of Will is an Act of Love—no exceptions.

“Dear ones, follow the guidance of your inner Love Detector. Freely surrender your will to the Divine Will. Embrace goodness wholeheartedly as it is safe and has been meant to BE. Steer away from any decisions tainted by the coercive elements of fear or other handicapping emotions as they are not made “freely”—they impose mental restraints on you and handicap your progress toward true happiness. A love driven decision is irresistible as Love is a magnet. Whenever your being is in a state of resistance, look at it with objectivity: What are you in resistance against? Are you resisting elements of unease or are you resisting the efforts it will initially require to courageously raise above your lower instincts toward the manifestation of your true and much happier Self?

"Strive for the inclusion of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in your personal decisions; this will ensure that they are based on strong and enduring foundations and that you are not precariously living in a house of straw.”

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