The Inner Sherpa



“Defeat is the true mirror in which you may honestly view your real self.” [UB1740:04]

Thought Adjuster: “It is not the length of a statement that determines its content in Truth. The above quote is filled with gems of wisdom and is well worth pondering. Why is defeat such a powerful revelator of your true nature?

“Defeat is humbling and keeps an individual from becoming overconfident. Self-confidence is not hard to preserve when everything goes smoothly and life does not present you with any pockets of resistance. Yet, what happens to your confidence level when life throws unexpected wrenches in the flow of situations? Does it get shattered in thousand pieces or is it your ego that gets shaken up?

“There is a subtle difference between self-confidence and over inflated ego. At all times and in any situations, I will whisper into your ear that you are equipped to deal with adversity and to emerge much stronger from the ashes of a perceived reality that needed to be debunked in order to reveal the lessons that it contained. Any defeat can be turned into a personal victory as it challenges your small self to get in touch with its higher nature.

“Defeat removes the blinders from your ego and scrubs it clean. It places you in a position where you have to decide how to deal with a setback. Your many life decisions are multiple choice tests. Will you allow defeat to impact other areas of your life like an unwelcome flash flood--an hostile takeover? Or will you engage your will power and make the personal decision not to be permanently destabilized by such an occurrence that challenges your character to its core in order to foster inner strength, resilience and fortitude in the face of adversity?

“Defeat is a true mirror in which you may honestly view your true self, without any make-up. It may rain on your inner parade. Yet, it reveals to you the fabric you are made of. Are you a victim of your circumstances or are you God-victoriously rising over them and seizing them as growth opportunities? Whenever life is not easy, it challenges you to change as you have to positively adapt and look for solutions.

“Dealing graciously with defeat is what transmutes it in a personal victory. It is what allows you to move on with a brand new determination. Whenever things do not work out as planned, life presents you with correction courses and brand new growth opportunities as you live on an evolutionary world where nothing is static.

“If you are able to maintain an attitude of gratitude when faced with adversity, you will remain undefeated. Rather, you will defeat adversity, nip it in the bud and prevent it from flooding your being with depression, its sidekick, robbing you from your self-confidence and your can-do spirit. Indeed, defeat may take you through treacherous territories where you have to be very resourceful in order not to lose your spiritual footing. ‘What does not kill you makes you stronger.’ It is not a cliché. It is part of your growth process toward your real self.”

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