The Inner Sherpa



Mother Nebadonia: “Dear child, this is Mother Nebadonia. I greet you at the onset of this brand new day and I am joyful that you are eager to connect with Me. I am definitely present in the life of my children as I have an omnipresent consciousness. I love each one of my children in the various planes of reality they live in.

“I am not an absentee mother. I am omnipresent and as a loving mother, I nurture my offspring without infringing on their independence. Believe that I am right here with you and it is so. Doubt is debilitating and prevents my beloved children to follow through with meaningful information and to stretch their spiritual wings. I am like the mother bird that is encouraging her little ones to leave their natal nest. There is a time for them to get strong through my nurturing and there is a time for them to stretch their wings and to become sustainable on their own.

“Evolution starts at a very helpless level where the newborn creature is dependent on others to develop initially. The love ingredient is an essential ingredient in any healthy development. Many are love deprived as their parents have not experienced selfless love from their own parents. As human beings awaken and perform a course correction from within, they become more qualified to become the role models that are so precious to their children.

“Live each day with the intention to teach others through your being. Any learned lesson is engraved into your being. It becomes part of who you are.”

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