The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, ours is truly a living and spontaneous relationship. As you meet with Me in the Stillness, you open yourself to receive My input. Sometimes you come to Me with specific questions and sometimes you open yourself to receive whatever I would like to address with you. Either way, My input will be commensurate to your questions – spoken or unspoken.

“Indeed, I am intimately familiar with your entire thinking and feeling process. I truly know you inside out. I know of the questions you ask but I also know of the ones you should be asking but that you have not yet consciously articulated. Therefore, I will address them as well in our communications.

“Sometimes the Teacher teaches by asking the students thought provoking questions and motivating them to investigate so that they can formulate the answers on their own. There is a great feeling of accomplishment – both for the students and the Teacher – whenever the students solve the riddles independently.

“I am equipped to answer all of your questions but I will always start with the fundamentals so as not to overwhelm you with too much, too soon. The foundation has to be solid so that what is built upon it can stand strong and not cause it to collapse.

“No matter what your questions may be, I will be able to provide you with some relevant input as I have been trained to do so and am connected with the Source of all knowledge. The more you busy your mind with inquisitive questions, the more you open the required space within it to expand it with more revealed knowledge. As you develop a healthy appetite for spiritual understanding, I will be able to satisfy it with more spiritual delicatessens. I do not deal in spiritual fast food; I rather concoct elaborate spiritual dishes so as to keep your taste buds engaged.”

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