The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: ““Each one of you is special. You are special in your own merit as you recognize more and more that you are loved by the Father. You have come to claim your birthright as son or daughter of God and to learn to live a God-centered life to gain entry into the divine family circle.

Each effort bears fruit eventually, upgrading your whole being. You can be legitimately proud of your achievements and your hard-earned personal transformation. It is the joyous and heartfelt pride experienced by a little one learning to walk on his own — quite different from the self-involved and blinding pride of a narcissistic personality.

Self-centered pride is a dead end, as it revolves around the lower self, preventing the soul from expanding, while God-centered pride is glorious; it is gratefully expressed, as the joy of accomplishing the Father’s will triggers beautiful feelings in your soul. As you come into alignment with your higher Self, you feel elation, ecstasy, as well as infinite gratitude—none of these are self-centered. They are feelings the Father implanted in your soul in the hope they would come to life and beautify your life and your surroundings. Isn’t it amazing to discover, little by little, how much loving foresight the Father had from the very beginning of creation—a multi-layered creation, pregnant with the boundless wonders where resides true joy.

Dive deeper into each moment to retrieve more of their divine essence. Pressure is required to squeeze this invaluable extract out of life experiences. To be purified, precious metals are melted at extreme temperatures.

Your soul is meant to morph into a rare diamond, reflective, and scintillating in the Father’s light. Isn’t it worth enduring life’s hardships to discover what a bedazzling treasure you are?

Keep in mind that vision of perfection. Remember the underlying divine intentions behind your earthly incarnation. The Father always keeps his sight turned on you, closely monitoring your life through your divine Thought Adjuster, as he is ahands-onParent.”

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