The Inner Sherpa



“When you have become wholly dedicated to the doing of the will of the Father in heaven, the answer to all your petitions will be forthcoming because your prayers will be in full accordance with the Father’s will, and the Father’s will is ever manifested throughout his vast universe.” [UB1639:02]

Thought Adjuster: “You made the decision to start each day by expressing gratitude for the Good that it will manifest. “Something good is going to happen today!” is the attitude you wish to develop and the consciousness with which you want to live each day.

“Indeed, what is the point of being a ‘bird of ill omen’ whiletoo many birds of a feather are already excelling in that domain, severely polluting the emotional climate and rarefying the oxygen provided by optimistic and positive outlooks. Your reality is affected by the way you view it. It is an established fact.

“What if you spent 15 minutes every morning rehashing the challenges of your earthly existence? It would be an instant downer, stripping you immediately of your zest for life and your eagerness to step into a brand new day. What if your attitude was to expect yet another ‘bad’ occurrence to befall you? How defeatist such an attitude would be! Yet, it is a way of thinking and feeling espoused unconsciously by so many. The key word here is ‘unconsciously’.

“Isn’t it time to take your power back? Isn’t it advisable to ‘consciously’ and constantly count your blessings and express sincere gratitude for them? Isn’t it time to thank the Father and all His Helpers for the wonderful Labor of Love they are performing in each individual life and all over the cosmos? Isn’t it time to realize that you are not just an anonymous grain of stardust stranded on the beaches of life? You are so much more than that as you have been blessed with a ‘one-in-eternity’ personality! Doesn’t it wow you to come to that understanding?

“You can restructure your life at any given moment by choosing to consciously remodel your inner world. If its sitting arrangement does not please you, change it! It is as simple as that. You are the one deciding whom and which influences to let in your inner world. You are the one sending out the invitation cards.

“Start each day by stating a clear intention as to whom you wish to tag along with you throughout your day. Do you want to relish in the joyous camaraderie of Optimism or do you want to host a pity party with Pessimism? The way you will feel at the end of your day will naturally reflect the way you chose to respond to its unforeseen occurrences. Trust Me, the Father is the one that will always pleasantly surprise you—if not in the moment, later for sure, as the dominos are falling into their rightful place, causing you to applaud in childlike amazement and to eagerly ask: “What else do You have in store for me? Please do it again. I can hardly wait.”

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