The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as much as you would like to develop more of your invisible spiritual reality, you do need to stay grounded in the material world as it is your current class room. Your body with its 5 senses is your research instrument so to speak, an instrument which needs to be maintained in good working condition. Yet, an instrument is just that: an instrument - a tool conceived to be of service, not of self-service. A nail needs a hammer, but a hammer has no need for a hammer, for a duplication of itself, as it would not serve any purpose.

“The Father has encoded in EACH of His creatures a unique pattern of purpose and of perfection. Some of you have already figured out how to be in alignment with their own purpose, but many have not. This is frequently due to the fact that no trigger opportunities have presented themselves in their lives, making them aware of their dormant potential. The Divine Fragment within each one of you is truly your Guide and Guru – your guide to God.

“Human beings have to learn to surrender themselves to the Highest Spiritual Influences instead of blindly following the whims of peer pressure. Spirit does not pressure the same way peers do. Yet, spiritual influence is spiritual influence. A crowd of ignorant and unaware souls can exert an intimidating and coercive influence on many, especially when their influence is grounded on shaming them, making them feel guilty, and inducing fear in them. The Father never retaliates. This word is not in His vocabulary. He does not use His powers to intimidate as this would negate any chance for Love to be expressed by His creatures. Love has to be FREE to exist. This is why the Father’s love is so merciful and unconditional.

“Learn to give love without any strings attached, as those strings would strip it from its genuine loving quality. Love with all your heart and the love within your heart will be constantly replenished as it constantly flows from the Father - its eternal source.

“As you incorporate love in all what you do, you will come into alignment with your matrix of perfection. Love is the destination, love is the tool, and love is the key. Love is the Secret to eternal success and graduation.

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