The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Today you are feeling very strongly the inner cleansing that takes place when you sit perfectly still and receptive in the Great Stillness. Indeed, there is an amazing quality to such a Stillness and it pervades your whole being.

“Just as a little bird keeps its beak open to receive the subsistence lovingly gathered by its mother, your time in the Stillness is the feeding time for your hungry soul. If your physical body was not continuously sustained and strengthened by the ingestion of regular meals, it would soon weaken and deteriorate. The same principle applies to the feeding of the soul. Yet, it is greatly overlooked.

“You soul shrivels and fails to develop a healthy glow if you do not feed it adequately. Spirit is ever hovering over you, ready to meet the most immediate needs of your soul. Yet, if you act like the little ones who stubbornly refuse to open their mouth to be fed the healthy food prepared by their parent, you will eventually develop a severe case of soul anorexia that will be detrimental to your spiritual development.

“Your life on this world is meant to help you grow a thriving soul with eternal potential. This is where your focus should be directed, as it is the part of you with a brilliant future. Your physical body will be discarded after it served as the incubator of your embryonic soul. Physical death is in some way the due date of your soul. Will it be fully formed to enter a brand-new world without the handicaps of a premature delivery?

“Dear ones, take to heart to pay attention to the longings of your soul. Attend to it with TLC. In some mysterious way, you are ‘parenting’ it. The more love and attention you bless it with, the more it will thrive and this will be reflected in your physical appearance through the healthy glow that your body will exude—comparable to the serene glow radiated by an expecting mother.”

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