Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, when you look at the history of the formation and expansion of your planet, it seems that it was very eventful and dealt with the constant ebb and flow of powerful energies. After ages of accumulation of space materials, your present habitat started as a round orb in space, devoid of atmosphere. Earth was truly a construction site. It was being shaped by powerful forces and underwent many cycles of flooding, earthquakes, volcanic activity, land upheavals and sinking, etc. Each one of these stages was necessary to finally bring about an environment prone to human life and to its sustainability.
“Many species were necessary at some given points in order to provide some of the natural resources. Once their mission was accomplished, they became extinct to be replaced by the next wave of organisms, and the next one.
“The planet had apparently a very violent and random pre-history; yet, such was not the case as each event was carefully orchestrated over millions of years to prepare it to be the magnificent stage of the birthing of humanity. The Intelligence behind the whole process was and is pure Genius.
“How blessed are you to have been given the status of co-creators! Do you realize how much power of influence you have in your own life? Stop looking at yourself as the victims of the elements. Rather, even if your life has many ups and downs, come to the understanding that you too are being shaped to become the best you can be by the apparent life cataclysm that you are enduring. Without them, your character would remain unrefined. Yes, dear ones, you are diamonds in the raw. You may not think much of yourself but once you understand that so much love has been patiently invested in you, you may come to the conclusion that you are valuable and become more consecrated to the process of your own emergence.
“Once you feel the whole-encompassing Love of the Creator—invested in All That Is—you will want to add your own God-centered and Love-centered intentions to the process. Instead of being an idle bystander, you will want to join the team and become an active—or activated—participant in the grandiose cosmic choreography.
“What an awakening it is! What a privilege it is to consciously co-write your own suspenseful life script! Look forward to the amazing story tellingthat will take place as you progress to other realms. Boredom and passivity will never again be part of your life experience. They are not in God’s vocabulary.”