The Inner Sherpa



“The happy and effective person is motivated, not by fear of wrongdoing, but by love of right doing.” [UB 140:4:6]

Thought Adjuster: “How many times in your life have you shied away from taking leaps of faith? Retrospectively, can you see how your fear of the unknown deprived you of a potentially game-changing experience? How will you ever familiarize yourself with the mysterious unknown if you fail to engage heart-first in new experiential territories?

Who or what is holding you back at the edge of the diving board? It is certainly not faith, trust, and appreciation—faith in better days; trust in divine protection; gratitude for life blessings. Their detractors are all sorts of negative self-talk: “It seems risky; are you sure you can survive such a daring dive? Why in the world would you choose to leave the safety of the shallow end?”

Such inner scripts are certainly not theinspirational, energizing, exciting, galvanizing, encouragingurges of a motivational speaker who fires you up. They are thedissuading, inhibiting, fear-inducing, low-spirited, cowarddissuasions of a demotivator who robs you of the thrills of life, messing with your head to prevent your eager heart from moving on to greener experiential pastures.

The risk-takers are those who bravely override the hostile wave of second-thoughts with the third wave of pro-life affirmations: “You will feel wonderful when you succeed. Go for it! The deep end is the storehouse of manifold blessings that do not fit in the shallow end. If things do not turn out as expected, you will at least have grown in street-smartness and self-esteem!”

One does not expect a baby to break into a jog after getting up on its wobbly legs. Its first step is a great celebratory occasion, as it is the first step toward its independence. Over time and with parental support, the infant--a bright smile placated on its face--will expand its travel range. It will head toward a destination of personal interest while gaining a surer footing.

Trade up your fears of wrongdoing and failure with the love of right-doing and visions of success. By altering your‘out-look,’you will change your‘in-look’—the way you look at yourself. The decisions that activate your potentials become positive catalysts for an impressive track record.”

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