The Inner Sherpa



“Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” [UB 192:2:0]

Thought Adjuster: “On a planet settled in Light and Life, love is the driving force behind the formulation of concepts and the miraculous process of conception—the self-perpetuation of the Divine Life Force. Indeed, love is at the onset of all divine ‘cre-actions.’ It cannot be otherwise, as God IS Love.

“When you genuinely love others, each interaction is a blessing that results in the expression of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. Those prompted by the love in their heart are the true ‘HeArtists.'

“Love can be expressed through a heart wrenching musical rendition, a sublime poetic expression, a compelling painting, the attentive touch of a massage, or a culinary prowess. It is the magic ingredient sprinkled in the creative dough that gives appeal to its texture.

“May love be the ancestor of your deeds. May it be included in everything you do. Not only will it yield joy and happiness in the lives you touch, but it will also impregnate your whole being at the cellular level and become the source of great inspiration.

“Do not resist your loving impulses. Allow them to find their full expression, thus leaving a beautiful fragrance in your wake. It is how Jesus lived His life—constantly expressing the purity of Divine Love.”

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