The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “What if Paradise was like a magnificent Oak Tree, deeply rooted in the universes as their stunning center piece? It is immune to the air streams whirling around the cosmos. It stands tall, visible from far away with its branches outstretched and inviting. It has enough stature for all varieties of creatures to nest within its spreading.

Yet, its outstretched branches are standing mostly empty, as so many of its native song birds are busy exploring the big wide world—on the outgoing phase of their migratory travels. Yet, assuredly, the day will come when they will migrate back home—a home whose memories may have faded but whose spiritual hold will never do so. Indeed, birds of all feathers eventually get so homesick that they set out to work their way home.

What a joyful moment it is for the Tree Patriarch when one of his little song birds finally lands on one of hisbranches and heralds its arrival with a joyous chirping!

Such is the purpose of the Oak Tree. It is home! It is family! Just as the children long for their roots, the Father longs for His offspring. Paradise is where such a long-awaited family reunion takes place—no matter how late into the night the latest flight will land. It will be greeted by the cheerful chorus of the early birds and will add yet another layer to the stupendous heavenly rendition that will not leave one heart untouched and one eye moisture-free.”

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