The Inner Sherpa



“Devotion to the Pharisee was a means of inducing self-righteous inactivity and the assurance of false spiritual security; devotion to the publican was a means of stirring up his soul to the realization of the need for repentance, confession, and the acceptance, by faith, of merciful forgiveness. The Pharisee sought justice; the publican sought mercy. The law of the universe is: Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find.” [UB Paper 167:5]

Thought Adjuster: “As pointed out by Jesus in His thought-provoking parable of the Pharisee and the Publican, your eternal destiny has everything to do with an attitude of humility. In his pompous and overconfident ways, the Pharisee acted as if he did not need salvation, padding himself on the back while looking down at the Publican. In a diametrically opposite demeanor, the Publican was oblivious of the nearby presence of the Pharisee, entirely focused on soliciting the ‘saving grace’ of forgiveness for his shortcomings.

“Perfection is a human evolutionary quest, as nobody is born perfect. Shame and guilt lead many to bury deep the eyesores of their imperfection. Sooner or later, they need to summon the courage to exhume them from their burial grounds and perform an eye-opening autopsy before putting them to their final dissolution by cremation—the consumption of the darkness by the Light.

“Ask, and you shall receive” is—once again—a critical element in the process of repentance. By turning within and asking Me to assist you in that painful process, I will stand by your side and help you recall the moments in your life where you made errors in judgment at your, or others’ expenses. I will then help you wipe the slate of the past clean.

“As you express your sincere regrets, you are bringing these buried memories to the light of day, rather than allowing them to fester in the darkness. Repent, confess, and receive the mercy that ever- proffered to you. It is the healing balm that cauterizes the soul wounds; the miracle oil that restores you to your wholeness; the super glue that puts your broken pieces back together, making a new man or woman out of you.

“Rather than putting off what needs to be done, eagerly initiate this liberating spring cleaning of the soul.”

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