The Inner Sherpa



“Dear one, when you volunteer for higher service, you are disengaging yourself from your private life in order to enter this area of service. Yes, any public servant—while on duty—has to keep his sight and heart focused on his job description—the public welfare.

“Whenever theyreport to duty, they are wearing the uniform designed specifically for that duty. Such a uniform allows differentiating between various corps of public servants. It makes them identifiable by those who need their services or protection; the uniform has to match the function of the job description. A police officer may wear a bullet proof jacket for protection while a fire fighter wears a uniform specifically designed to protect him from heat and smoke inhalations. To each his own.

“As a public servant for the Father, you should report to active duty wearing the uniform of a Light Worker. The Father is Light and can only be represented by Light. This is the reason why you need to ensure that your mind and heart have been prepared to become clean channels for the Father’s Light and Love. Such is the uniform of Light Workers—a beautiful armor radiating Light and Love.

“Whenever you are ready to enter the Stillness, visualize that you are emitting such pure Light and that your heart is radiating pure Love. Stay in that space for a while as it will wash away from you any accumulated impurities. It is like receiving a wonderful cleansing shower from Spirit. It will allow you to start a brand new day refreshed and ready to represent the Father through your activities.

“Wearing a specific uniform is also a reminder for the one who wears it to honor it—not to defile it. A crooked police officer will be stripped from his uniform and will have to surrender his badge as he is no longer adhering to the very laws he is supposed to enforce.

“The more you bathe in the Light, the more you will radiate it and become a light yourself. Isn’t it a worthwhile pursuit? Trust in the process and stay in your integrity.”

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