The Inner Sherpa



“The beauty of divine love, once fully admitted to the human heart, forever destroys the charm of sin and the power of evil.” [UB 2018:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, much is being said of late about humanity progressing toward the tipping point of reaching ‘Critical Mass’ in its planetary awakening, thus shifting the planet toward its intended state of Light and Life. The more human beings awaken to their true spiritual nature, the more weight is being added to the brighter and still lighter side of the scale, simultaneously removing heavy negative charges from its darker side.

“Yet, this is not the only area where such a process of reaching critical mass takes place. What about your own being? As you increasingly integrate Truth, Beauty and Goodness in your personality, you too are tipping your own inner world toward ‘En-Light-enment’ and are becoming truly alive.

“The more God-centered decisions you make while disconnecting yourself from lower influences, the more you come to witness the positive inner transformation that takes place in your being. Such a cleansing process requires intention and efforts on your part as it has to occur under the auspices of your free will. It cannot be forced upon you.

“As your feed your soul healthy spiritual nutrients, it will become weightier—just as your body maintains a healthy weight if it is well nourished.

“As more and more individuals reach their own spiritual critical mass, they automatically contribute to an increase in the critical mass of humanity’s consciousness. This is a very positive snowball effect that stresses again the fact that ‘you have to be the change you want to see in the world.’

“You are not meant to be by-standers idling on the side lines. Passivity is standstill. You are not meant to be mere spectators in the theater of planetary life. Each one of you is a player and has the creative liberty to improvise his/her script. Indeed, improvisation is by far preferable to indoctrination.

“You are ‘free spirits’ whether or not you have claimed such a freedom. It is never too late to do so as it will have powerful repercussions on the way you live your life and on your inner disfranchisement from the holds of fear. Indeed, fear holds you back while faith propels you forward and upward.”

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