Thought Adjuster: “Radiance is defined as light or heat as emitted or reflected by something. Here are a few of its many synonyms: brightness, brilliance, luminosity, illumination, luminescence…
“Whether or not you are aware of this fact, you are beings of light and as such, you emit various shades of radiance. Moreover, your energetic being is defined by multiple chakras that are organized in the same manner as the colors of the rainbow. In a state of optimal health, the color of each chakra is vibrant, while in a state of ailment, they lack this wonderful glow—just like your complexion is pale and grayish when you are sick.
“Radiance and warmth are connected as well. The stronger the voltage of a light bulb, the more warmth it emits. In your contact with your planetary siblings, you very quickly detect the emotional temperature of others. You even describe them as warm, lukewarm or cold individuals. You feel welcomed in the auric field of a warm individual. His or her radiance is inviting and makes you feel at ease. On the other hand, you feel uneasy in the presence of a cold individual. Why is it so?
“The heart is the heat and light source at the core of each being. Its fuel is the Love Substance that freely flows throughout the multiverse from the First Source and Center. Yet, it has to be tapped into by the many creatures. The life force is freely given to you. This is what sustains your life. Yet, tapping into the Love Substance is a free-will decision of the creature. You are in charge of your own heart capacity.
“Is your heart open or closed? The expansion of your ability to love directly implies the expansion of the Light you emit from your being. Such a Light will draw others to you, as it sends to them the message that your auric field is welcoming their presence in your personal space.
“On the other hand, a closed-hearted individual is felt as cold and people shy away from such an individual. This demonstrates the fact Love is the ultimate connector, while hate is the great divider.
“Dear ones, as you go through your day, strive to send out more and more light signals to others. They have the amazing power to brighten their days and to help turn up their own inner Love thermostat. A smile can be a humble emissary from your open heart. Radiance radiates. It is as simple as that.”