The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that Forgiveness acts as an emotional digestive enzyme. Indeed such is the case and it is well worth looking at Forgiveness from that vantage point.

“Whenever you are unforgiving toward yourself or others, you fail to ‘digest’ some difficult situations that are heavily weighing on your mental, emotional, and even physical health. Indeed, the Law of Cause and Effect affects your being at all its levels and your physical ailments very frequently reflect some unprocessed emotional issues.

“Forgiveness is needed towards the situations or behaviors that left a lasting and bitter aftertaste in your emotional being—adequately described as bitterness. They subject you to a constant emotional ‘acid reflux’ combined with severe ‘heartburns’ that prevents you from coming to term with what you consider as personal offenses.

“Forgiveness is the much-needed antacid needed to process once and for all these undigested past events. Why is it so hard for human beings to realize that Forgiveness truly contributes to their highest good? Why do they so tightly hold to detrimental grudges that act like hot charcoals, generating more painful blisters in their already suffering being?

“Your Master Jesus understood that very well and did His best to model Forgiveness to you. He NEVER allowed bitterness or resentment to insert their nasty hooks in His being. Forgiveness was the powerful antidote He perfected and made available to all. He earned a perfect score in Forgiveness.

“Your score may leave to be desired as—unlike Him—many of you have accumulated a variety of grudges along their life’s journey and weaning yourself from them is a lengthier process. Yet, it has to be done to set YOU free from this chronic emotional unease that you developed over time. Not only do you need to let go of past offenses, but you also need to develop a much stronger immunity against mutant offensive germs. By letting go on the spot, you are sparing yourself more hard work and are putting a stop to the hoarding of grudges. You will have to address those stored in the deep recesses of your being and discard them one by one, uncluttering your inner world.”

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