Teacher: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that we are your “glorified switchboard operators.” Indeed, such is the case. As you ready yourself for our input, you have to “place the call.” You have to mentally dial our number. This is what we are waiting for before we can jump in with our input as we only provide solicited advice. It would otherwise fall upon deaf ears and would not be received with gratitude but with resentment as it is so frequently the case in human relationships whenever unsolicited advice is given with a genuine intention to be of service. Yet, such an intention is not sufficient as it has to be met with receptivity and gratitude—not resistance and resentment.
“This is the reason why life has to orchestrate some circumstances that facilitate the receptivity of individuals that are so stuck in their own ways that they fail to recognize this sorry state of affairs. This greatly hampers their growth as stagnation is fatal to progression—it is a spiritual dead end.
“Once you express your intention to connect with us on the other side of the veil—and yet so close to you—we are happily picking up your call and we become active participants in your life. We hear your questions. We do not take them lightly as they are indicators of where you stand in your spiritual journey. Your questions are our marching orders as we want to provide you with the most helpful answers.
“At times, we can anticipate what is most needed in your life as we are also well cognizant of your life challenges and opportunities for growth. We will place clues along your way, like colorful little pebbles, in the hope that they will draw your attention and that you will be able to put 2 and 2 together—thus getting a wonderful ah-ah moment. Such moments are the moments when we high-five each other as they are very gratifying to us. They tell us that we have exerted a positive influence in your life, that we have brought you some enlightenment and equipped you with more practical tools and insights to deal with your life challenges.
“As switchboard operators, we also are heavenly dispatchers. We are able to assess the level of difficulty involved in providing you with the needed answers or divine intervention. At times, with the assistance of your Divine Fragment, we forward your petitions to those most qualified to answer them. One way or another, help is on its way. Yours is to acknowledge reception of our care packages and to share them with your siblings. There is plenty to share and to spare.”