Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, each human being has desires and wants – some of them are getting the Divine Seal of Approval and others are not. Your physical body is truly your instrument to achieve the goals set by your mind. What is important is that the setting of a goal be done at a very conscious level as so many goals are not contributing any eternal value to your life.
“When you change residence, you go through a process of selecting among your belongings which ones are move-worthy – which ones are worth the effort of being packed and taken with you to your new residence. At such a time, you are willing to take a closer look at the material content of your life and to objectively assess the value of each object you acquired.
“You come to realize then that many items were acquired on a whim and have not been used as they were not necessary to sustain you. Now, they stand in the way of your freedom of movement and you may decide to get rid of them as you realize that they are burdensome.
“What about your spiritual possessions? Are they move-worthy? It is very important for your spiritual growth that you stop and ponder these questions. Your physical life is meant to equip you with enduring values which will be yours beyond your life in the flesh. What is it that you would like to take with you and what is it that you would like to leave behind? Now is the time when you can sift through your spiritual and emotional life content and decide to conduct the spring cleaning that will help lighten your soul from the weight of unwanted and unhealthy patterns of living.
“Many human beings come to that place of reassessing their life content after having a near-death-experience, a close call of some sort. At that moment, they have a foot in both world and come to realize very clearly where they stand. It would be much better to go through that process more frequently as it would avoid the waste of misguided energies.
“The Stillness is that place of reassessment. It is the turning within for the guidance of your Divine Fragment. It is available to you 24/7 and is much underutilized on this planet. What a sweeping change would take place if each human being would turn within to do some soul searching instead of looking for others to blame for the dysfunction of his/her life!
“You are all part of the same organism but, due to the fact that so many parts are not aware of their God-given function, that organism has yet to be birthed to its perfection. This is indeed a project of magnitude. Do not be discouraged by it but instead, apply yourself to perform your part, the only part which is in your power to upgrade and for which you will be held accountable for.”