The Inner Sherpa



“Worship is intended to anticipate the better life ahead and then to reflect these new spiritual influences back onto the life which is now.” [UB 1616:07]

Thought Adjuster: “How could you ever manifest something of value if you did not take the time to program your inner guidance system with carefully selected parameters?

Imagination is at the point of origin of all-that-is—you included. It unleashes the creative powers—consciously and unconsciously. ‘Be careful about what you wish for’ could also be expressed as ‘envision wisely,’ since your musing could set in motion the process of eventuation.

If you day-dream in a mere roaming mode, it will not impact your reality. You will eventually interrupt your unproductive ruminations to meet the demands of your overall sustenance.

Those who regularly assess their life content can make frequent correction courses to avoid straying too far off the not-so-beaten path of their highest aspirations.

Suppose you want to build a dream house. You will draw a floor plan in minute details and carefully map out the various phases of implementation. Those initial ‘activities’ act as the ribbon-cutting ceremony of your project. Your diligent groundwork will insure you against ‘buyer’s regrets.’

After acquiring materials and equipment, you line up skilled labor according to a logical workflow, and the actual construction starts. Without the investment of physical energies, nothing would ever manifest in your material reality. The role that the time factor plays in your life will be favorable if you take a thoughtful time-out before acting.

Indeed, your life journey planning should start on the inner—in consultation with your divine Overseer. Quiz him about his likes if you intend for him to be a permanent resident in your living quarters. Worship, reflect, and get the jobdone!”

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