The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, isn’t it amazing to know that you are equipped with your own Pilot Light--a Divine Fragment who dwells in your mind? Sadly enough, this fact is not known by many and they live their lives searching on the outside for what is preciously embedded within them. You do not have to shout at a far away Divinity. Every personal relationship thrives when it is intimate—not when it is in a public setting.

“A true friendship is nurtured by the constant loving exchange between its participants. On your world, the Father in His infinite wisdom has made arrangements to be personally present in the life each of His ascending creatures. This points to the fact that each life matters as the Father deems each one of His children worthy of hosting His presence.

“For those among you who do not place much weight on their life, stop for an instant to ponder that fact. Isn’t it an amazing privilege to host within you a Fragment of the Father in Heaven! What does it take for this connection to be activated and nurtured?

“The first step is to become aware of it. It is like discovering a hidden room in your home—a precious sanctuary where you can safely withdraw to regroup and look for counsel. A most precious treasure is available to you in your inner sanctum. It is truly the activator of your being—at all levels.

“Once you connect with that Divine dynamo, your whole life perspective will change for the better as you will know that you are never alone and that you have the best of friends living with you and available to you as an honest sounding board.

“After acknowledging this potential relationship, the second step is to nurture it so as to deepen and expand it. The more you are connected with the influence of your Divine Fragment, the more you will be attuned so as to empower your life. This collaboration—combined with the tapping into other high spiritual influences—will be transformative. Declare your intentions to be a willing and eager participant and it will launch you to new heights in your ascension journey. The higher you rise, the more visible the Father’s intentions become.

“Yes, dear ones, as you rise in your consciousness and in your willingness to be of service—as you were created for service—the more you will exert your own spiritual influence and you truly will become the change you want to see in the world.”

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