The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought entered your mind that the place dedicated to your Stillness practice is your ‘refueling station’. After grounding yourself and conditioning your sacred space to be only accessible to the highest spiritual influences available to you, you are safely opening your heart and your mind to become the recipients of premium spiritual energies.

“You are declaring your intentions of being ‘recharged’ by Spirit; you sit still, ready to welcome positive energetic downloads that will head wherever they are needed in the various layers of your being. Do not doubt that this process is taking place, whether you sense it or not.

“Whenever you ingest a meal, you allow your organism to process and integrate its nutrients as it sees fit. It is not your job to supervise the operation of each one of your organs but it is yours to ensure that you are providing the best nutrition for the maintenance and upkeep of your precious physical vessel.

“The same principle applies to the mental, emotional, and spiritual layers of your being. By granting Spirit unrestricted access to your being, you allow It to fertilize your soul so that it can bring forth the bounty of the fruits of Spirit. The more you spend time tending to your inner garden and exposing it to the sunrays radiating from Above, the more juicy and vibrant its fruits will be.

“During the Alaskan summers, the nearly continuous sun exposure greatly accelerates the growth rate of the flora and vegetables, allowing them to reach amazing proportions within a short time. The Stillness time provides your soul with the spiritual ‘sunlight’ it needs to thrive. I, your on-site Gardener will assist you in the process of integrating these precious insights.

“Whenever dark feelings threaten to take over your emotional space, know that you have the constant resource of turning to Me in the Stillness so that I can encourage you and shed My Light upon you. Just as a sunflower instinctively turns toward the sun, human beings are drawn by the pull of Spirit. Yet, many of themlive unaware of this fact and it is the Light Workers’ job to point it out to them and to demonstrate how to acquire the necessary spiritual tools to activate the connection with their Higher Selves.”

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