The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Today is the last day of yet another year on Planet Earth. It is customary at the onset of a New Year to express well wishes to loved ones for a New Year filled with blessings and the manifestation of their dearest intentions.

“It is a wonderful way to start the year on a positive and loving note. Yet, wishing well to others is not sufficient to make such wishes come true. It is also incumbent to the Well-Wishers to be Well-Doers who contribute through their life’s decisions and actions to bring forth the manifestation of these wishes—provided they are genuine. You may wish for Peace to be anchored on your world, but you have to start by establishing your own inner peace. Wishful thinking does not make it so, unless your focused actions become its magic wand.

“Each year will bring forth both blessings and challenges—challenges pregnant with blessings if they are tackled appropriately. Yet, many events may turn out to be curses if they are not adequately addressed by applying the highest standards of Love, Compassion and Empathy.

“As you stand at the threshold of a New Year, you can use this invisible demarcation line as an access door to a new and empowered beginning by assessing your life’s journey during the year about to end and by taking the time to recalibrate your intentions and refueling the ones that ran out of steam. For those among you who consistently follow through with the realistic goals they set for themselves, such a check-up may reveal that you are on course and just need to keep doing what you are already bringing to maturity in your life.

“For those among you who feel lost and confused by what has been taking place in your life, it is a wonderful opportunity to go within and regroup so as to rise above the life’s situations that threaten to get the upper hand. Remember that challenges are meant to propel you forward in your growth—not to disable you. Remember that there is always a secret door hidden in their walls, and through which you can find a way out of your seemingly hopeless situation.

“I live within you and I will stick with you through thick and thin. I understand you as I know you inside out. My wish for you is that you keep evolving and ascending toward your glorious destiny and I will always ‘do’ what it takes to get your there. Indeed, I AM a DOER Who has always your best interest at heart and My wishes are never platitudes as My heart is fully invested in them. Dear Ones, as you wish for Peace on your planet, do your very best to embody such a Peace as it is how you wishes will come true. Have a rich New Year!”

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