The Inner Sherpa



“One of the most important lessons to be learned during your mortal career is teamwork.” [UB 312:01]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought entered your mind that every single creature of the Father has been conceived to be a ‘public servant.’ You are surrounded with myriads of such examples when you look at the selfless ‘public service’ performed by creatures as tiny as the bees that pollinate the flowers and the trees, and as big as the elephants, the camels or the horses that have served in ages past as ‘public transportation.’

“Sadly, many human beings expect to be served by others, including the animal or vegetable kingdom, without ‘returning the favor.’ This causes agreat imbalance in your world as, instead of understanding their own status of public servants, many human hearts remain closed to their God-given universal calling and practice self-service—a service that cannot and will not bear any of the fruits of Spirit.

“As well, ‘public service’ implies teamwork, as there is exponential power in the synergy of a common purpose. It is high time for each one of you to go within and honestly examine in which way you are a ‘genuine’ public servant. Are you fooling yourself into believing that you are serving others or are you indeed living a life of higher service?

“Public service starts as small as serving one another being. Public service takes place at the family level where each member learns to peacefully co-exist with the others and maintain the harmony of the family unit by living by the Golden Rule. Indeed, the family should be the practice field for public service—the supplier of qualified ‘public servants’ who can display empathy, compassion, and love for humanity.

“Dear ones, no service is too small to be rendered. Humility and anonymity are the best catalysts for a meaningful service. Sadly, in the political arena, your appointed ‘public servants’ are for the most part not displaying these essential attributes and are mainly searching for self-aggrandizement and self-gratification. How could their peers possibly be grateful toward such self-centered behaviors that desacralize the title of ‘public-servant’?

“When in doubt about how to conduct your public service, look at the life of the archetype for public service: your Master and Teacher Jesus. He served 24/7, always harmonizing His thinking, feeling, and doing with the Highest Good. Do learn from the best!”

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