The Inner Sherpa



“Contentment is the greatest wealth.” [UB 1447:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Much is contained in this concise statement. Indeed, “Contentment is the greatest wealth.” Why is it so?

Human beings live on the same material plane as the animal kingdom and they have similar needs to be satisfied in order to meet the most basic requirements of their physical sustenance: Food, water, and shelter. This is sufficient to provide contentment at the material level. Anything else is above and beyond the fulfillment of your basic needs and animals are doing perfectly well without chasing after the lures of the accumulation of extreme wealth. So many artificial ‘needs’ have been generated by man-made societies. So much energy is being expended to acquire upgraded versions of what is already meeting your needs.

This distracts you from your true calling as spiritual human beings. Animals do not share your spiritual nature. They have a mind that can know a material man, but they cannot know God who is Spirit. Sadly, many human beings have built lives for themselves that are not satisfying on the spiritual level, as they totally disregard that fundamental aspect of their being—the part of you that has the potential of eternal survival—while your physical body has an ‘expiration’ date, the moment in time when you will exhale your last breath.

Wouldn’t it be much wiser to focus your energies on meetingyour most basic spiritual needs, once your basic needs for physical sustainability have been met? There is so much more to human lives! If you feel overwhelmed by the task at hand, study the life and teachings of Jesus. He did not live in luxury. Yet, the Father always provided for His basic needs. Far from being a failure or a loser, He reached great spiritual heights and wishes for you to get to taste the spiritual contentment that He experienced as He lived in alignment with the Father’s Vision for His life.

Find your life’s purpose! This should be your biggest priority, as it will be your launching pad toward amazing self-realization. I can assure you that you will never look back with regret at the material ‘sacrifices’ you thought you were initially making. It turns out that letting go of excessive belongings was the first step in your personal liberation. Indeed, grateful contentment is your greatest wealth. It opens a multitude of doors, leading you to the accumulation of rich spiritual experiences, that would never have seen the light of day, should you have remained stuck in your ‘hoarder’ status’ and betall your money on the losing scenario at the expense of the win-win one.”

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