The Inner Sherpa



“It is only the inner life that is truly creative. Civilization can hardly progress when the majority of the youth of any generation devote their interests and energies to the materialistic pursuits of the sensory or outer world… Ideas may take origin in the stimuli of the outer world, but ideals are born only in the creative realms of the inner world.” [UB Paper 111, Section 4]

Thought Adjuster: “What if you owned a beautiful mansion having the capacity to entertain many guests, but were never at home? What if you rather spent your time immersed in frivolous outdoor activities, entertaining only superficial relationships? Sadly enough, this is what is occurring for the majority of the earth citizens.

“It is as if they lost the key to their inner world and live with a homeless mentality. By neglecting their ‘home life,’ they generate a state of inner dysfunction of which they are sadly unaware.

“The most precious conversion experience for anyone is to realize that there is so much to explore on the inner, and that such an exploration is endless and has infinite potentials, as you live in an ever-unfolding creation. Why then would you chose to squander all your energies by over focusing on the ephemeral and short-lived gratifications of the outer world?

“You and you only hold the key to your inner world. The trustee of this precious key is your free will. Aren’t you curious to explore what the many rooms of your exquisite mansion have to offer? It has been lovingly designed by the most expert Interior Designer and yet, its beauty cannot be experienced for those who chose to live at the surface of things—on the outside—while their life has the amazing potential to be holographic—having been conceived with many intricate and intertwined layers.

“What about a lifestyle change? This would constitute a genuine conversion experience and would bring to awareness the amazing and breathtaking artwork that is displayed in your inner mansion that has sadly been relegated to the status of a museum without visitors. Why search on the outer for material wealth, while ignoring the abundance of the inner wealth that is yours to forever own if you adequately take care of your spiritual real estate?

“Dear ones, go within in order to explore your inner mansion. There are enough rooms for Spirit and Its Helpers to cohabitate with you and help you decorate it with Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Don’t allow for it to fall apart for lack of TLC. Rather, manicure its grounds so that it can stand proudly in the neighborhood, rather than becoming an eyesore direly in need of a total makeover. You are the landlord; act as one!”

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