The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, I hear you loud and clear. Can you hear me now? Yes, sometimes you do have to consciously condition your mental space. But at other times, just the fact that you spontaneously engage Me in conversation suffices for Me to start speaking to you. You are receptive and this is what matters.

“On days when you feel separated from Me, it matters that you take personal action to reduce the perceived distance between us. I am truly less than a breath away as the Divine Presence is all pervasive.

“Do not allow doubt and lack of confidence to get the better of you. They are not stemming from your Higher Self. They are originating from the many mental scripts that YOU are reciting to yourself. Such scripts have to be thrown out of the window as they discourage you and do you great disservice. The Father will never discourage any of His creatures who are searching for Him. What a travesty of Love this would be and a recipe for failure!

“Therefore, as you deal with self doubt, remember at all times that the Father has invested His full trust in you. Otherwise, He would not have taken His own leap of faith in gifting you with free will. This is as simple as that. The Father is not a gambler and yet, long ago, He invested Himself in All That Is with His Vision of perfection—meant to bring about the fulfillment of His dreams.

“You and your siblings are part of His dreams—as the Father cannot conceive any nightmares. Whenever you feel insecure, go within and allow Me to give you a pep talk rather than feeding the lower emotional vibrations you may be tempted to entertain. Start each day on a strong footing so that you are not destabilized by lower spiritual influences. This is the spirit that you have been conceived to exhibit!”

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