The Inner Sherpa



Oregon, US of A, July 2, 2017

Thought Adjuster

Subject: “About Purpose and Meaning”

Message received by Anyas

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Purpose and Meaning. The short version is that the purpose you set for any of your actions assigns them a meaning. This implies that any thoughtless actions are at high risk to be meaningless.

“This is the reason why it is so important that human beings discover their purpose so that their life can become meaningful and has a positive impact. Think of individuals whom you consider as having led meaningful lives. Those are indeed the lives that made a lasting impression and are still remembered long after these individuals have left the planet.

“The most shining example is the life led by Jesus. He never acted thoughtlessly. Whenever in doubt, He turned to the Father for advice and guidance. This is the reason why so much spiritual food can be obtained by those who strive to emulate such a purposeful life. His life had a dual purpose: the practical revelation of the Fatherhood of God and of the Brotherhood of Man. Both purposes could be summarized as Love in Action.

“Love is what gives meaning to any purpose. Any other love-devoid agendas are meaningless and purposeless. Sadly, much energy is being wasted on your world by the failure to activate the intelligence of your heart.

“Dear ones, in order to lead a meaningful life, you need to develop your heart capacity. Refrain from acting in response to selfish impulses, as they frequently leave pain and hurt in their wake and turn into soul handicaps that will have to be remedied in order for you to ascend to higher realms. Knowing this, why procrastinate? Why lose precious opportunities to become the better you, thus leading a purposeful and meaningful life—an empowered life?”

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