The Inner Sherpa



"Righteousness strikes the harmony chords of truth, and the melody vibrates throughout the cosmos, even to the recognition of the Infinite." [UB, Paper 48, Part 7, #10]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been reflecting on the quality of Integrity. A life well lived is a life of integrity. What does that mean? When something is in a state of integrity, it means that it has not been contaminated nor watered down. It is 100% genuine. It is completely devoid of hidden agendas and ulterior motives. The spoken words are not a mere lip service that cannot be transmuted into its match in reality as the intentions behind these words are not in truthful alignment with their expression. These words become then mere hollow shells or even Trojan horses that snick selfish and distorted elements in the manifested reality.

“Lies cannot produce anything of lasting value as they do not stand on a solid foundation. The only enduring foundation is the foundation of Truth. Truth is what supports the entire Creation. It has been expressed by the Creator through some fundamental Laws, the most obvious one being the Law of Cause and Effect. Whenever Truth is at the root of an action, it will be empowered and will manifest itself in Beauty and Goodness.

“Whenever lies, coated with a fake veneer of truth, are at the origin of an action, their results will be a reflection of such a tainted truth and they will result in 'mis-creations'. Integrity starts at the individual level. It is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles-- moral uprightness.

God is a God of Integrity. This is why He is 100% trustworthy. As you strive to become in His likeness, Integrity is a big part of the process. You have first to recognize who you are. This is not an easy assignment and yet, it is your life assignment. This is where I come in. As your Divine Fragment, I know you inside out and I can point out to you whenever you step out of your integrity. The Father created diversity and this is the reason why your own journey is unique as your personality is unique. Ask Me to guide you toward your authentic Self and you will start shedding the sheep skin that has served you as a disguise whenever you were not in alignment with you true self.

“The Father can only enlist the services of those who are honest with themselves and with others as Truth can only be expressed through a clear channel so as not to get garbled in the process. You words are to be truthful so that a state of harmony can be experienced within your being. Lies are creating a cacophony while truth resonates like a beautiful and inspiring symphony.”

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