The Inner Sherpa



Midwayer Rashan: “Good morning Dear One. I am Rashan, your Midwayer associate. You have been calling me and here I am. Ours is a far reaching association. As you are translating in French a variety of transmissions, I am here to assist you in that process. As you are translating—as you have already intuited it for yourself—you are putting into words the thinking of others. You are developing your intuition and you are being assisted by a staff of Celestial so that the translations flow easily and provide the intended meaning to the French subscribers.

“In order to be an objective mouthpiece for others, you have to step out of your ego and this is a great preparation for your own T/Ring process. This is what is happening between us right now. I am using your uncluttered mind and your fingers on the keyboard to convey to you this message. I am rejoicing that you are able to capture the essence of my message. From my perspective, I too am eager to facilitate this amazing process of inter-realms communication. Through that process, I can step in into your realm as my words are appearing on the screen of you computer as I dictate them to you.

“Yes, so much is happening behind the range of your limited senses. Much of it will eventually become visible in your reality as we are collaborating with you and with many others to bring Light and Life to this world—which is our world as well. We too are eager to see our planet shift. We have been connected to her for so long and we would like for her to be able to live up to her full and amazing potential. What will happen when the resources of the planet are being put to good use instead of being pillaged by so many greedy souls?

“You witness your own positive transformation when you are diligent in your daily Stillness practice. Mother Earth is also going through her own transformative process. She too has to cleanse her being from unhealthy spiritual parasites and unwanted thought forms. Gaia is longing for Peace so that she can come into her own beautiful potential. Truth, Beauty and Goodness are what Gaia is longing for as well as it is the foundation for a co-creation that has never been experienced at that level.”

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