The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You have been pondering the fact that, as you spend time daily in the Stillness with your Soul Family, you are nurturing a very real, yet invisible connection. You wish you could know your Guides by name and that you would know more about them, as it is how you build deeper friendships in your world—spending time with one another and sharing of yourself, as well as being an attentive listener.

In some way, the relationship you build with Spirit is not much different, except for the fact that you do not see your interlocutors. Yet, every being in God’s creation has his or her own energy signature. The fact that you do not see your Guidance Team does not mean that you do not connect with it.

Don’t you frequently hold phone conversations or exchange text messages with individuals you have never met in person? Yet, the timber of their voice or the style of their messages provides you with a mental picture of their personality—their energy signature. It is a fact that a blind individual will be a better judge of character than someone who can see. Why is it so? Because, as you well know, appearances are frequently very deceiving, as so many among you are not 100% authentic and act as they think others expect them to act rather than remaining in their personal integrity.

Spirit is always in Its integrity. This is what makes it easier to build profound relationships at that level, as they are disappointment-proof. Surely, they require much effort on your part but you can be assured that we are cheering you on in your quest to get to know us. This is what we are eagerly waiting for, as it allows us to go from our reserve status to one of active duty—something we have prepared for and for which we have been eagerly waiting for your green light.

Persevere, as it is the only way to progress in any of your endeavors. Keep in mind what you are striving for and believe that none of our promises to the children of time are vain. All of them are truthful and hold the potential for rewarding manifestations.”

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