The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, disengage your mind and start typing without any agenda as it is your intention to receive information from Me in the Stillness of your heart. I am right here with you dear child and I am concerned about anything which happens in your life.

“Human minds—due to their isolation and separation from the Source—are frequently in the dark as to the direction their life is taking. You know that nothing is static and that the life you live on an evolutionary planet is all about evolution. All beings evolve at some degree as they all acquire experience in the realm of their existence. Experience comes with discovering more hidden values in your life occurrences. There is truly a lesson in everything. Yours is the decision to go deeper and to investigate or to stay at the surface of things without realizing that there is so much more to everything.

“The Father has created an amazing universe—multi-layered and multi-faceted. He also has created—together with His Creator Sons and Daughters—many types of personalities and creatures. None of them live just for themselves. Everything ever created is there for the purpose of service—not self service as it would be a dead end.

“Survival and sustainability are only possible when the parts serve the whole. Urantia will truly shift in Light and Life when this fact has been recognized consciously or unconsciously as it will bring about the much needed shift in the attitude of the creatures. Instead of focusing on the service of the small egotistic self, rebirth will occur by the sole fact that service will take a much higher meaning by being all inclusive, rather than all exclusive. “

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