Christ Michael/Jesus: “Beloved daughter of Mine, this is your Father/Brother Jesus. I am much closer to you than you can ever fathom. Indeed, we have deep-running family ties. I was once a being of flesh and blood—just as you are. I experienced life in a carnal envelope. I also took advantage of any opportunity to set a living example as to how to develop the potentials of God-likeliness that are embedded in each human being.
“The purpose of My life among you was to multiply the spiritual bread of life. This is the symbolismbehind the multiplication of bread and fish that took place in one of our public gatherings to feed the hungry multitude.
“I was in fact wordlessly depicting a living parable, going much deeper than the compassionate feeding of physical bodies. I Am the Bread of Life. I came to feed starved souls with the Truth that they need in order to find their way Home. Such a Truth is by nature meant to be disseminated—multiplied.
“As you increasingly come to identify Truth with a “T”, you are driven to share the Good News with others. This is how Truth gets exponentially multiplied to satisfy the current appetite of each soul. Indeed, just as you stop eating when you feel full in order not to suffer from indigestion, spiritual food has to be ingested in small increments, as it needs to be integrated into your being. Too much, too soon, would overwhelm you. Therein lies the Father’s Wisdom.
“This is the reason why you are ‘evolving’ beings, growing your soul, as you implement the Truth meant to guide your life. Indeed, I am the Truth and I am the Way—as I walked the Way of the Truth. To follow in My footsteps, you too, dear children, will share and multiply the Truth that is revealed to you. Such is the living and loving chain of custody of Truth.”