The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you hear frequently being said “I want it so bad” when people express how important it is for them to fulfill their desires. Desires can definitely be a powerful driving force if they are mitigated with patience. What do I mean by that?

“So many human beings are driven by selfish desires and are unfortunately willing to get what they want at any cost—even at the detriment of other’s welfare. They are willing to ‘cut deals with the devil’ and to trade their eternal life—their soul—for material rewards. Such desires are misguided desires as they are solely centered on the small self; yet, those who are driven by them also find ways to justify them in their own eyes: ‘I deserve it; I am worthy of it…’

“There are other desires deeply embedded in the human heart and that are receiving the wholehearted blessing of the Father: The desires to do good to others; the desires to manifest beauty; and the desire to live by the Divine Law—by the Truth and only by the Truth. Those desires are in conflict with the selfish desires of the ego and there is an ongoing inner battle raging between these influential forces.

“In order to survive as such, the small discordantego has to place a gag order on the disapproving voice of the Higher Self. It can then proceed with its selfish agenda as by quieting the Divine Voice it is also overruling the Golden Rule. By throwing it by the wayside, the small ego declares itself above the law and thus becomes an outlaw—some sort of highway robber that entertain no scruples about depriving others of their God-given privileges.

“Many human beings are aware of their weak side and are rooting for the Divine Freedom Fighters as they ‘badly want’ for their Higher Self to get the upper hand in this conflict. They are voluntarily enlisting in the Divine Boot Camp; as every new recruit, they have to undergo some serious and strenuous training in order to become trustworthy and to reform their life by breaking away from unsound patterns and addictions and gaining self-mastery. They are eager to discover their eternal value and this is a slow process that requires much patience. The Divine Flow cannot be rushed and it is important to learn to go with the flow in a relaxed manner rather than impatiently trying to speed things up. This would be unproductive as growth cannot be hurried; it has to be integrated—evolution not revolution.

“What matters, dear ones, is that you wisely set your course by ensuring that it does not lead you to a spiritual dead end if it is overly focused on material gratification. One thing is sure: you will one day return to dust. Set your eyes on eternal values that will become part of your chest of inner treasures—the enhanced and fortified character you will take with you as you depart from this earthly plane. This is the one treasure hunt that is sponsored from Above and will not be voided by the shedding of your physical vehicle.”

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