The Inner Sherpa



“Isolation tends to exhaust the energy charge of the soul.” [UB 1776:02]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, there is Isolation and isolation. What do I mean by that? The world you live in, due to the many technological advances, has been experiencing acceleration in the pace of life of the modern civilizations. Many among you became very proficient at multi tasking, causing their attention to become very scattered.

“To counterbalance such symptoms, there is an ever greater need for individuals to take time-outs and to withdraw in their inner sanctum in order to regroup and be recharged by Higher Powers—after articulating their heartfelt intention for this inner retreat. Such Isolation is very therapeutic for the soul.

“However, there is another type of isolation—the one favored by those who do not have developed healthy social skills. Due to their insecurity and lack of confidence, they perceive groups as a threat. They do not feel that they fit in and shy away from social gatherings, thus depriving themselves of their benefits. To be involved in likeminded groups can recharge the soul, by lifting the spirit and providing precious opportunities for the sharing of oneself with others and for establishing nurturing friendships.

“Another example as to the detriment of isolation is when an individual suffers from a depressed emotional state. Even though it is challenging, this is when that person needs to reach out to others or turn within for Inner Guidance in order to be infused with uplifting higher energies. What matters is that they surround themselves with upbeat individuals rather than congregating with downtrodden fellows. As the saying goes, ‘misery loves company’ but such connections are far from being uplifting to the suffering soul.

“Haven’t you experienced how your spirit gets immediately lifted when a caring friend calls you out of the blue in your times of need? Don’t you experience such situations as wonderful loving synchronicities? Rather than dangerously cutting yourself off from these precious life lines, wouldn’t it be much preferable to reach out for help whenever you feel at your wit’s end?

“You have inner resources as well as external ones. By confiding in Me, your Inner Guide, you already open a door out of your perceived isolation. Rather than going on emotional hibernation, stay courageously connected to the fabric of society and this will provide Me with another way to lift you out of your emotional murk as, by their very nature, people feel compassion and empathy toward those who experience life challenges that are intrinsic part of the human condition. Testimonies of the type ‘Been there, done that’ will infuse you with the hope that this too shall pass. Turn to others for advice whenever you cannot figure out things from the inside. They too are veterans of emotional war and have stories to share with you as they victoriously earned their stripes on the emotional battlefield.

“It takes polarity for energy to flow. Keep this in mind whenever your emotional batteries are running low. If you cannot feel joy, consciously practice activities that raise your vibrations. This is how you can prime your being to reconnect with higher vibrations. Dance, sing, go on a walk with your dog, watch uplifting movies, etc. There are so many options. Also remember that by overcoming your own current emotional situation, you will later on be able to bear witness to others and cheer them up as the go through their own inner battles. Such a motivation is a wonderful selfless intention. When the emotional battle is raging within, do not surrender without putting up a fight. This fight is what turns you from a helpless victim to an empowered victor. If you cannot do it for your own sake, do it for the sake of others.”

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