The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “Whenever My children call upon Me, I respond, as My Spirit of Truth responds to the truth expressed by your heart. It is what a ‘heartfelt’ prayer is all about. Truth is moved by truth; Love is moved by love. To bring Me into your reality, it is all that it takes: an honest and heartfelt invitation.

“You are asking how to understand what My Spirit of Truth is all about. The outpour of My Spirit after My ascension to Higher Realms is what sealed Its omnipresence on your world. Take a moment to ponder this significant event. Before My ‘transfiguration,’ your world was ridden with ill-intended and rebellious spiritual entities that entertained selfish agendas and campaigned to spread them like contagious cancerous cells all over the planet.

“When I lived on the planet, they perceived Me as an ‘inconvenience’ and an ‘eyesore.’ I proclaimed ‘goodwill among men’ while their godless agenda was to promote bad will among them while pretending otherwise.

“Dear ones, the course of your life will radically change on the day you enlist in My campaign to take this world back to His rightful Owner. Goodwill is the instrument of such a takeover. Goodwill is what is proclaimed by My Spirit of Truth—loud and clear, for all to hear. If you wish to follow Me, you have to come to embody such positive qualities and demonstrate your goodwill at all times, especially when it is met with resistance. It is when you demonstrate beyond any doubt the sincerity of your intentions.”

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