Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, I am your Divine Fragment--your Thought Adjuster. How do I work within you to adjust your thinking? My labor of love is very anonymous as I do not speak to your mind in a voice that you can easily identify on an external level. This is what is challenging for you: To recognize which messages are Mine and which are just the result of your own thinking.
“The raw material I have to deal with is your impulsive thinking. Your mind is subjected to neurological input and many external stimuli. Your mind helps you navigate life by assisting you in making meaningful decisions. I am part of this process whenever you allow Me to be.
“To you, it appears that there is a constant discussion taking place in your mind—that your inner voice is actually experiencing two seemingly bipolar inputs pointing out the pros and cons of any potential decision.
“Whenever you make a conscious decision, you are assessing both resulting case scenarios and, depending on which motivators you base your final decision, its outcome can serve your highest good—or not.
“I am the Voice that points out to the best case scenarios—not to the easiest ones. I am the Voice of Love and Respect—whether it is toward yourself or others. I am the Voice throwing with authority its grain of salt in your inner conversation and this is how I adjust your thinking. Whenever you chose to yield to my subtle Divine Influence, your decisions take you in greater alignment with the Divine Plan for your life. Yours is to choose to give some weight to my input or to reject it. I am your Advisor. I do not dictate; I only suggest—in the hope that you will listen to My loving Guidance as it would spare you many hard earned lessons.
“Yes, dear ones, all life case scenarios are replete with lessons. You can learn the hard way by drawing your own conclusions from the challenging consequences of misguided decisions. Or you can learn from listening to My wise Voice that knows better and wants to spare you these difficult come backs.
“Whatever your chose, I am here to assist you with dealing with the consequences. I would prefer that you do not succumb to life ambushes but I also know that there is always some good contained in what you experience as long as you wizen up, i.e. that you learn from your mistakes and do not repeat them.
“This is how progress occurs. This is how you evolve and grow into a more mature personality. Eventually, you too can help others ‘adjust’ their own thinking by becoming a voice of wisdom they can more easily hear than Mine—until they learn to go within and cultivate this most precious relationship.
“By being a positive influence in others’ life, you are entering a true partnership with Me as My love is naturally overflowing to all those you enter in contact with.”