The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Your emotions claim about 80% of your life force.

“Therefore, the easiest way to observe our life force energy is through our emotions—the densest, easiest to feel energetic impulses in our bodies.” [Harnessing the power of life force energy, by Aimee Rebekah Shea]

Acknowledging this fact, how do you manage your emotions?Do you let them control you, or are you becoming experts at remaining in control? The way you’ll answer will be very revelatory.

Negative emotions are draining, while positive ones are regenerative. Why is it so? Let's look at itfrom an ‘electrical’ perspective. Positive emotions are connected to their divine source—the source of all-that-is. On the other hand, low-grade emotions are felt when you are disconnected, thus operating on energies that grow increasingly stale, thus impacting your ‘mojo’ or ‘zest for life.’

It is why when negative emotions are allowed to fester, they become a Petri dish for illnesses—mental, emotional, and physical, as they leave an imprint in all these areas.

You are in charge of your emotions. Your free-will prerogative implies that you have multiple choices in how you respond to any given situation. Amid the same challenging situation, individuals may feel divergent emotions. Some are excited by the challenge at hand, while others are distraught and disempowered by it.

Your best bet is to be fueled and driven by positive emotions—as they are your cheerleaders. Which party would you rather attend?One where happy people mingle or one where stubborn ‘party poopers’ bring everyone’s spirit down? Not only do you have a responsibility toward yourself, but others as well, as you live in close living quarters.

Your emotions precede you—the auric field that you exude. They claim more space than your physical persona. Are they invasive or respectful of others’ personal space? Learn to practice emotional awareness, as it is a crucial element to your wellbeing.”

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