The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Your world is standing still in an unprecedented way. Life as you knew it has suddenly morphed into an opportunity for self-discovery as well as for pondering the impact of human activities on the environment and one another.

Many of the features that composed your daily fare are standing out by their absence. Social distancing requirements have severely restricted your access to the material things, activities, or human connections that populated your life. You now acknowledge in bouts of belated gratitude the meaningful contributions some of them made to your life, while discerning more objectively the toxicity of others and how they adversely impacted yourself and the world at large.

Instead of resenting this down-time, turn it into a regenerative soul retreat. Conduct a thorough life audit, objectively assessing the state of your spiritual balance sheet. It is a golden opportunity to do it NOW. You will undergo a comprehensive life review when you depart this world, but it will be too late for you to fix what was broken, leaving you riddled with regrets.

Your extended confinement will lead you to diagnose which type of withdrawal symptoms plague you and to assess their level of toxicity, as they point at some previously unidentified addictive behavior. On the other hand, if you mostly miss the closeness of your loved ones, you led a ‘meaning-full’ life that evolved around the precious love substance.

This time-out is also an opportunity to identify what added to the quality of your daily life and become proficient in the moment-to-moment practice of gratitude. There is no better way to elevate your vibrations and ‘ascend’ in higher spiritual and emotional zones of productivity.

You are going through a symbolic parting of the waters. Dump what hampers your spiritual progress while preserving your hard-earned spiritual assets, as only they will bring you comfort. The choice is yours. Sort it out!”

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