The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about ‘the laborers in the fields’. The Correcting Time is in great need of workers. It is not hard to figure out why when you observe the state of disarray that reigns in so many areas of your current reality, directly and adversely affecting each one of you—to the point of threatening the survival of the species.

“There is a multitude of ‘fields’ in need of tending and each one of you can report to work in the field of their specialty—a specialty that has much to do with their innate skills. Are you better qualified to plow the soil in order to prepare it for the seeding season than to tender to the vineyards? All the spiritual plantations are in need of goodwill recruits and the Father does not dictate where you should look for work. Rather, He greatly rejoices about your initiative.

“When you apply for a job, you submit a detailed resume to a potential employer, pointing out your areas of strength. A smart employer will match you to the job description that best meet your abilities and you will thrive on this job and it will fulfill you emotionally.

“What is your ‘field of dreams’—your field of predilection? What are your God-given talents? What comes to you ‘naturally’? Those are the clues to your true calling. The Father does not wish for you to ‘endure’ your work, as it is not a punishment. He wishes for you to work in an environment that supports your growth and evolution while stimulating the overall positive evolution of the greater organism.

“How well do you know yourself? It is well worth going within to ponder with Me ‘what you want to be when you grow up’. When asked this question, children usually do not hesitate and are not held back by ‘how’ they will achieve their dreams. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way’ for the Father to take you there. What matters is that you honestly articulate of the longings of your heart.”

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