The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, you are participating today in a Global Meditation meant to support worldwide peace. What a joyful event it is for us to observe from our vantage point! This is the kind of event we are dreaming of for your beloved planet. This is a moment when our wishful thinking is seeing its manifestation in your reality.

“Yes, we are rooting for the awakening of your planet. We are rejoicing at the collaborative initiatives of many God loving souls that are stepping into their power and that are taking charge in order to cleanse their planet from the dark remnants of the Lucifer Rebellion—of ages of unrest and dysfunction.

“Don’t you feel a wonderful emotion of oneness with your brothers and sisters who have it in their hearts to share their loving intentions for the highest good of the planet? Isn’t it a marvelous way to serve the planetary welfare?

“In order to be an effective Agent of Change, you have to embody the values that you want to help spread on the planet. How could you activate peace, if you are not at peace within yourself? How could you be a conduit for love is your heart is constricted and shriveled?

“Do consciously practice the expansion of these highest values in your being and your own shift into Light and Life will become another anchor for the planetary shift into Light and Life. You may not be aware of the powerful ripple effect that is thus being initiated, yet it is very real.

“You have witnessed situations when many people are forming a chain in order to quench a raging fire—passing to one another buckets filled with precious water. In other cases, they pass sandbags in order to protect their community from overflowing rivers. This teamwork is much more effective than what an individual could accomplish alone.

“Global meditations are powerful in establishing a concrete global effort—the joining of hands of many souls--a well-intended chain of loving connections that will stretch a protective and healing web around the globe. Once such a powerful connection has been established, you can recall it in your heart and keep feeding it with your positive energies. It is like establishing an irrigation system of watering canals connected to one another and allowing the flow of life-giving waters to reach the most love-deprived areas. It contributes to the restoration of a healthier spiritual cardiovascular system and for the spreading of the healing balm of Love.”

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