The Inner Sherpa



“Unless a divine lover lived in man, he could not unselfishly and spiritually love.” [UB 2094:15]

Thought Adjuster: “The Trinity is a package deal. You have been trying to wrap your brain about the reality of the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, and your Indwelling Father Fragment. It is not how to approach that Great Mystery. What matters is that you believe in the Oneness of our Triune Presence within you.

“A soup develops its telltale ‘signature aroma' by simmering a blend of carefully selected ingredients. Each fixing contributes to its emerging flavor and enhances the culinary experience, prompting the gastronome to indulge in yet another serving.

“This simple metaphor can help you grasp somewhatthe synergy of your Indwelling Trinity. The sum is more than the parts. What a labor of love it is! You are loved from right within you—not from far away. It is part of your miracle of life, and it would serve all of you well to spend time pondering it to develop a connection with that part of you that is still lying fallow because you have not yet fully gotten in touch with your Divine Lover.

“Unreciprocated Love is hard to bear—even more so for the Divine Who IS all about Love. Once you decide to focus on this promising relationship, your life experience will be mightily enhanced. You will be driven to bring tokens of appreciation to your Inner Lover; you will share more fully of yourself; you will start acting in His Name and on His Behalf, and you will yield the exotic juicy fruits of such a spiritual union. It cannot be otherwise.”

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