The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you wish to enter the Stillness, focus on the area on your forehead between your eyebrows that is known to meditators as the Third Eye—the mind’s eye or inner eye. It will give you the strong focus needed to dive deep within. As well, as you consistently practice, it will increase your levels of insight, intuition, and consciousness.

Many more subtle advantages are tied to this practice, as, indeed, the Third Eye is an access door to spiritual realms. It is also the gateway to inner Peace, as it connects you with finer spiritual frequencies. It is advisable to hone your Third Eye vision as you would train your physical vision by doing frequent eye exercises—by flexing that atrophied spiritual muscle to nurse it back to optimal functioning.

Many live fully ignorant of the reality of their Third Eye, unconscious of their spiritual handicap. They need to come to the personal realization that this is a sixth sense of primordial importance in the connection of the human to the Divine—of the physical to the spiritual.

By setting the clear intention to establish a deep connection with Spirit in your meditation and by returning your attention to that point whenever it strays away from it, you will become more proficient at taming your unruly mind and, eventually, spiritual realities that were previously blurry will get a sharper definition. You will have succeeded in peeking through that veil and you will start having a much finer spiritual experience.

I will meet you there and, as you fully surrender to Me, I will give you a guided tour that will take you to places where Love, Truth, Beauty, and Goodness reign supreme. They will infuse your being, recharge your spiritual batteries, and I will then send you back into the world like a Sensei sends his students back into action, knowing that they are well equipped to deflect the attacks of their opponents.”

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