Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Service. The word Service is frequently used in your world as service takes place at multi-levels. Each individual can provide some type of service but is also dependent on the service of others for their enhanced quality of life. This is frequently overviewed as so much is being taken for granted. Yet, if you stop and look at your environment, you will realize that a multitude of “servants”—objects, modalities, or experts in their field--are involved in your life. They are made available through the creative endeavors of many, passed down and improved upon, generation after generation. Service has also become an aspect of the economy as the quality of human lives depends on many so called “service providers” that claim to be customer oriented.
“True service implies humility as such a humble service does not step on sensitive toes. Service should never be lorded over someone else as it immediately drains it of the Love and Respect elements.
“Service out of a sense of duty differs greatly from loving service. It is a step in the right direction but does not have the same powerful impact. Honest introspection is required in order to separate the wheat of selfless service from the chaff of self-service. Any service favoring self-gratification is actually a disservice to the self as it is self-centered—not God-centered. Genuine service takes a life of its own and triggers many beautiful feelings in its wake: gratitude and love being like the cream raising to the top.
“Those who are being remembered for their greatness are those who were true public servants. They were motivated to improve the quality of life of others without searching for personal rewards. They were moved by compassion, not by self-interest. They had come to realize that they had much to contribute to the whole and were willing to follow the inner leadings of Spirit. They became inspirational figures. Such a selfless form of service was all inclusive and in the end also positively impacted the expansion of the small self toward the manifestation of the Higher Self.
“Jesus is the epitome of a public servant. Never did He limit the scope of His decisions to His personal needs; always did He include the bigger picture into the frame of His actions. By turning to the Father for advice in His decision making process, He ensured that they were in alignment with the highest good of all--including His own.
“Take time to go within and look at your life decisions from a higher vintage point. Whom are they impacting? Do they benefit others? Do they truly benefit you or are they short sighted? Your highest good can only be “served” by intentions of highest caliber. Hidden agendas are bathed in untruth and self-deceit; they are detrimental to the development of the embryonic True Self. Your true self can only be manifested through loving acts as it is what renders you more and more godlike. God Himself is in cosmic service. He IS Love in Action. Without action, Love is only an unrealized potential.
“Do not neglect to infuse your actions with the spice of love. It will empower the magical shift of this world toward Light and Life. It cannot be otherwise.”