“Greatness lies not so much in possessing strength as in making a wise and divine use of such strength.” [UB 557:11]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk today about the Highest Good. What is your highest good? Is it the same for everyone? Yes, ultimately it is; yet it may vary as to each individual way station. What do I mean by that? Human beings tend to compare their circumstances with those of others—usually those who seem to be better off than themselves. The key word there is “seem” as appearances can be very deceitful.
“Life lessons are not mastered when everything is honky dory. The lack of challenges means stagnation and stagnation is unproductive. Each individual life could be compared to the planetary formative years of constant movement which could be at first view perceived as endless calamities: flooding, earth quakes, climatic changes… etc. If none of this eventful history had taken place, the planet would still be a barren orb in space—no oceans, no mountain tops, no vegetation, no adornments… etc. It took billions of years for the planet to evolve to its actual stage of picturesque beauty. It is this slowly acquired beauty that makes her unique among her planetary siblings.
“Each personal history is also subjected to many cyclic ups and downs. Yet, the downs are not meant to bring you down. Paradoxically, they are meant to make you soar to new heights of understanding by personal experience. You have the saying “to walk in others’ shoes.” By sharing similar experiences, you can get in touch with their inner depth—a depth that may not be visible at the surface.
“You life challenges are turning you into a “deep sea diver.” They are teaching you not to form rushed opinions about others and their life situation. You can be sure of one thing: You are never in the know of all the elements that have shaped each individual creature to their actual state of evolution.
In order to expand the presence of Love and Respect on this planet, it is essential to develop “compassion” toward all. Being compassionate means to "suffer with."
“Whenever you have undergone similar tribulations, your heart is more easily moved. You are sympathetic toward others; you “feel for them.” You may even find yourself in the position to help them by encouraging them to persevere and by sharing your personal success story that will become for them the symbolic carrot at the end of the stick. Your achievements will have set a believable precedent for them to follow by their own leap of faith.
“Your highest good is emerging based on these life lows that are becoming the sediments upon which your higher Self is emerging. How could you ever get in touch with your higher Self if life did not help you fill the gap between who you are now and who you are meant to be? Therein lays your highest good and it is compatible with the highest good of all. Solutions have to be all-inclusive and altruistic. Solving one’s problems at the expense of others is not a viable solution.
“Strive daily to include the Golden Rule in the way you respond to situations. The practice of the Golden Rule is all it takes to be in alignment with your higher Self and the Highest Good. Love expands your being while self-centered shrinks it to almost nothingness.”