The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster:“There is a third implicit element to Jesus’ ask-and-receive admonition. It is only logical that, if your asking is altruistic, you are meant to share what you receive with all. Genuine love is spontaneous in its sharing. It is how it finds its way to love-starved hearts.

Be specific in what you ask for and extrapolate your heartfelt petitions to include the needs of those who find themselves in similar predicaments. The Father will always meet your needs—in divine right timing. How else could you progress if things remained stuck in a status quo?

Your needs set the direction of your quest. They pertain to areas in your life that have not found their fulfillment—yet. They significantly differ from the unwise clamors of petty wants that hold you back in your soul evolution by distracting you from what truly matters.

The time will come when your needs and wants will merge as one due to their selfless nature. By keeping the larger picture of the Brotherhood of Man at heart, your achievements will benefit all. All selfless and enlightened individual contributions to the collective pool of consciousness will lead your civilization to make great strides forward.”

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