The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “There is no better gift you could bless Me with than the heartfelt offering of your soul. Why delay the unavoidable? We share a common destiny, just as the sperm and the egg merge into a sacred union to ‘give’ birth to a new child of the promise.

"What promise am I referring to? On the spiritual plane, a new child is a new soul, and each new soul has the potential to be, in due timing, ‘fertilized’ by the arrival of a Divine Fragment. What then?

“The miracle of birth gets replicated on a much higher plane, fully involving both of us. Just as aspirant parents carefully plan for the conception of their dearly wished-for child, we are also preparing for the birthing of a new and eternal divine offspring. I will arrange for our quantum leap in eternity, and you will bring the adornment of your one-of-a-kind personality. Together, we will ascent back to our common Point of Origin, returning to His Fold, where we will thrive in the glorious service of His Immense Being.

“As you dedicate both your being and your doing to find alignment with His Great Vision, you are My prodigal child—whose return I was aching for. The joy your willful allegiance brings Me is unfathomable. May you sense it as the validation that you made the right choice—the only alternative with a bright and sustainable future.”

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