The Inner Sherpa



“Your spiritual destiny is conditioned only by your spiritual longings and purposes.” [UB 1739:04]

Thought Adjuster: “It is important to respect each other’s spiritual path as each spiritual traveler—by the nature of his unique personality and propensities—will naturally be led to engage on a unique life journey as well. Just as your fingerprints provide a reliable identification for your physical persona, your character is another set of prints of finer vibrations that makes you who you are—unlike anyone else in the vast creation.

“Based on these undeniable facts, why is it so hard for human beings to make allowances for other’s spiritual paths? Your planet also exhibits an abundant diversity. You are born at different places, issued from different generations, exposed to different belief and philosophical systems, etc. It is then no surprise that all these facts of life add even more to the uniqueness of your eternal destiny.

“Just as the Father allows you to evolve at your own pace, never putting undue pressure on you, don’t you think you should treat others with the same compassionate and loving attitude? Isn’t patience an essential prerequisite for Love?

“What matters is that you carefully set your own spiritual course, leaving room for many course adjustments along the way. When you start out on your spiritual journey, you truly have no idea of where it will ultimately take you. You set out trusting that the Father has a blue print for your life—a perfect plan that takes in consideration your abilities and potentials. This is the reason why the daily practice of turning within to consult with your Divine Guide is so beneficial to your progress in the right direction.

“You are meant to live beyondphysical death. Doesn’t it make sense then to set your views beyond the scope of material life? If a runner only plans to run for a mile, he will stop upon reaching what he has set as his final destination and will not get to discover what lies beyond it. Do not set short sighted objectives as they will greatly limit the scope of your experience.

“Be clear in the setting of your spiritual ambitions. Set your views according to your spiritual longings and what you identify at this time of your existence as being your purpose. Your longings have a magnetic power of attraction and as you progress, your heart will develop new longings that will keep propelling you forward. This could be compared to an eternal treasure hunt where clues and red flags are carefully placed along your way in order to guide you from one life station to the next, taking into account the many variables of your free will decisions.

“Wherever you may find yourself along your spiritual journey, the wisest initiative you can take is to stop and consult daily with your Inner Guide in order to regroup if you strayed from your spiritual destiny. Catch your spiritual breath, strengthen yourself by ingesting adequate spiritual nutrients, freely share them with your trail companions in need of sustenance, and keep going with a soul filled to the brim with joyous anticipation.”

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