The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear child, as you were establishing the connection with us, your little dog came and started licking your hand. It put a smile on your face as you could feel the love of that little being—her pure and innocent love. This is the best quality of love there is as there is absolutely no hidden agenda behind it. She loves you and expresses it to you.

“Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could as well feel our love for you? It is also a love that passed many quality controls before it was judged sufficiently pure and selfless. This is when we got our marching orders after we willingly enlisted in the Teacher Corps. The Teachers have to embody the teachings. It is how it is done in the cosmos. The Teachers have to demonstrate their own mastery over their area of expertise. It is not only an intellectual expertise. It is also an expertise of the heart.

“On your world, the good teachers are the ones who convey to their students an in-depth understanding of the topic they teach. They are passionate about it and about their students and invest themselves heart and soul in their task of upgrading and expanding their understanding. They know that it will lay a solid foundation for their life.

“Mother Spirit has also delegated various teaching missions to Her adjutant Mind Spirits. More knowledge is constantly being conveyed but it has to be understood. Therefore the Spirit of Knowledge and the Spirit of Understanding are very connected. They also work with the Spirit of Intuition. They are all specialists in their field but they are also “in the know”.

“Teachers are meant to collaborate with one another in order to get an overall picture of the current growth status of their students and of their special needs and gifts. They can then elaborate a wonderful orientation process and guide them toward their calling, based on the assessment of their strengths.

“At the same time, the weak areas need to be addressed—with love and patience. In the celestial realms, there is only constructive criticism or critique. It is an area in need of much development on your planet. Situations need to be assessed with objectivity and constantly reassessed based on the direction of their evolution. These frequent check-ups are very precious to monitor a healthy spiritual journey.

“It is also the reason why introspection is so needed. How can you be sure that you are moving in the right direction if you avoid all contact with your inner Guide? It is like deactivating your GPS system and driving blindfolded. No one would ever be issued a drivers’ license if it was the case. The senses of hearing and of vision need to be checked and deemed appropriate before being deemed fit to drive.

“Whenever we witness the going within of our human pupils, we know that there is a fertile ground for conveying our higher teachings. School starts when the student willingly enlists.”

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